Friday, 28 July 2017

Mentally Toughest Person on Earth

This is the mentally toughest person on earth: David Blaine.
A short excerpt of the death-defying feats he’s pulled off over the years:
  • Holding his breath for 17 minutes and 4 seconds.
  • Consuming nothing but water for 44 days.
  • Catching a .22 caliber bullet with a small metal cup in his mouth.
…and, my personal favorite, Blaine standing atop a 100-foot high column for 35 hours with no sleep.
On multiple occasions, David was closer to dying than surviving. His strength to endure these situations is unfathomable. More so, he has the courage to seek them out repeatedly, all because they fuel his ultimate goal: bring magic to the people.
Here’s what you and I can learn from him:
1. Be curious about enduring things.
When his mother fought cancer without complaint, David saw there’s more to hardship than suffering.
You can learn from it. But you have to wonder what’s on the other side to do that.
2. Hold on to creativity for dear life.
David went to Central Booking, the Manhattan municipal jail, for jumping a turnstile once. To avoid getting his ass kicked by the four buffest guys in the cell, he used the only thing he had left: his creativity. Eventually, he won the whole block over with his magic and got out.
Hold on to your creativity as if your life depended on it. Some day it might.
3. Have nothing to lose.
David’s mother died in his arms. It almost broke him, but it left him with nothing to lose and everything to gain. We all have things we’re afraid will be taken away some day.
The only way to not let that stop you is to let go before you lose them.
4. Fast.
One of David’s favorite books is Siddartha by Hermann Hesse. When Siddartha practices living in poverty, a merchant asks him what he can give if he has no possessions. To that, Siddartha says:
“I can think, I can wait, I can fast. If a man has nothing to eat, fasting is the most intelligent thing he can do.”
Hunger is the most elementary test of human existence. Take it.
5. Train remaining calm in extreme situations.
Navy SEALs are made comfortable with blacking out under water by having to walk across the bottom of a pool while strapped to 45 pound plates. David held his breath while hanging around sharks so he would know what it feels like to perform under stress.
Don’t just practice hard, practice under the hardest conditions.
6. Expose yourself to your worst fears.
Extreme doesn’t always mean dangerous. Blaine was afraid of cockroaches. Yes, bugs. One night, he slept in a little tent in Botswana, which was circled by one and a half ton hippos. Suddenly, the bugs became his friends.
When your brain gets close to the breaking point, it’ll throw your worst fears at you. You have to know they’re not real when the time comes.
7. Learn to override your brain.
Not succumbing to your brain’s irrational illusions is just one half of winning the battle. Once you do, you’ll still have to get it to follow you in the right direction.
David likes to trick his mind with numbers. On his 44-day fast, he created a superstition that once he’d get to 22 days, he’d be fine. After getting half, he focused on the next 11 days, and so on.
Pretend arbitrary milestones mean everything and maybe, one day, you’ll master your brain.
8. When you know you’re going to fail, go on.
At the halfway mark during his second world record breath holding attempt, David said he was “100% certain that I was not gonna be able to make this.”
But he figured since Oprah had dedicated an hour to the live TV special, he’d be better off fighting until he blacks out.
After 10 minutes, the blood started rushing away from his extremities to protect his vital organs.
At 12 minutes, his left arm went numb, and he started panicking about having a heart attack.
At 15 minutes, he went into heart ischemia, with his pulse jumping from 150 to 40 and back.
16 minutes in, David is just waiting to have a heart attack. He floats to the top of the bubble, waiting. Seconds float by, feeling like years.
When the doctors pull him out of the water at 17 minutes and 4 seconds, David Blaine has held his breath longer than any human in history.
All because when he had already failed, he kept going anyway.

Most of us don’t have to risk dying to push our mission forward. But it’s the kind of magic worth emulating.
Take these lessons. Carry them with you. Within yourself. Turn them into a system. Whatever it takes to close the gap between your present state and your true potential.
Hopefully, one day, you can live at the edge.
We are all capable of infinitely more than we believe. – David Blaine
Culled from Quora


Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Unapologetical Life

Life will present to you so many things
You will be served with different dishes
If you do not taste the bad ones
You might never appreciate the good ones.
Life will stab you in the back
But that is just the way of life
Let the lessons make you stronger
Let every life's drama be your motivation.
Life taught me so many things
But life never said sorry
But I don't need that
Every pain life brought
I needed and they taught me different lessons

What's something everyone knows but no one wants to admit?

That people revolve their entire lives based off one thing….can you guess what it is?
Let me start from the end and work towards the beginning.
People regret a lot of their life because they made bad choices for too many years.
People regret last year entirely mainly because they didn't achieve what they set their hearts out to do.
He’s going somewhere with this. I just don't know where….
people don't put the amount of effort into their hearts for something, for months at a time because they feel like they haven't made any real progress.
Ok….I swear I know this. I know this. I know it, I know it, I know it, I know it! But what is it?
People can't make progress every week because they living their days wrong.
Huh? What?!
I'm confused
Ok let me explain.
Now that we had a little fun think about it. Do you think people are living their days wrong? And why would that make any sense? It's like more of a paradox than an answer.
People make decisions every day based off of one thing….the weekend.
I'm sure you’ve seen this cartoon
Or this
Love Garfield. How about these?
This is my personal favourite
Funny right? So how come we plan our entire lives from Friday to Sunday? How come the most spending, the most investing, the most time spent, and the most time wasted is spent only Friday though Sunday?
Do we plan to fail or has society failed to plan us a better way of doing things?
Everyone knows this, but I promise you very few are willing to admit it to themselves. Sure you say it to other people and they know what you mean.
hey today is Monday I mean you could start now, it's never to late. Or you could wait until Friday. I mean it is the weekend.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

What's it like having 100 million dollars in the bank?

Well…it’s like:
  • Being possible to generate from $3 million to $15 million per year just so - simply by investing on your own or by giving your money in the hands of a professional wealth management service (targeting a return from 3% to 15% per year).
  • It’s like spending $1000 per day and still having to live 273.8 years to spend it all.
  • It’s like never thinking about how much you should spend on your bills.
  • It’s like always shopping without even looking at the prices of the products you buy.
  • It’s like getting many friends…and maybe girlfriends - you know…those kinds of people who stick to your money like glue.
  • It’s like having the chance to make many dreams become true.
  • It’s like having the chance to make the dreams of your parents become true.
  • It’s like having the chance to make the dreams of many people around you become true.
  • It’s like being one out of 50,800 people worldwide having more than $100 million according to Credit Suisse
  • Based on the above data, it’s like being in the top 0.0007% of the richest people in the world.
  • It’s like being possible to buy a Ferrari…or even more
  • It’s like being possible to enjoy your time - spend it on whatever you want, because you don’t work day and night to survive and help your family. Maybe you like music and want to spend your time on learning piano
  • It’s like starting a business and hiring thousands of employees - giving them the chance to have a full time job.
  • It’s like organizing a contest with a $$$ award and enjoying the talent that gathers around it.
  • It’s like doing so many things that other people can’t even dream about..
I hope this helps!


If you are over the age of 30, every single dog in the entire world that was alive when you were born died during your lifespan.

Cleopatra lived closer to space travel than the construction of the pyramids of Egypt.

Out of the 7 billion people alive, there will always be the kindest, the most evil, the most beautiful, the ugliest and the most extraordinary that you will never see.

I’ve never seen my cellphone in my dreams.

I’ve woken up thousands of times but I’m still nowhere near used to the suffering of sleeplessness.

My dog understands many of the words I say. I do not understand what any of his barks mean.

How the hell did your consciousness come to being? There were trillions of possibilities for you to never exist but here you are.

If any important historical figure before the 20th century had not existed, this would cause a chain reaction that would mean that all 7 billion people on Earth would now be different people.

Harry Potter was never an exceptional wizard. He just kept getting lucky back to back.

A person directly in front of you in a queue is also the person farthest behind you in the world.

There is a bag of acid in your stomach that could instantly kill you.

In an average hospital, you can find a person having the best day of their life, the worst day of their life, the first day of their life and the last day of their life.

The present moment of now will be an unchangeable past within moments. Yep, it already is. Again. Once again.

Every person eating the pizza will get a bite of the center.

Nobody can say “bless you” to the Pope when he sneezes, as he holds the highest rank in the church.

I’ve always lost my pens before finishing the ink, but I’ve always found pens which are out of ink, which either means I am a really mindless student or pens change hands quite a few times.

Damn, so many African children could drink this water that I’m wasting.

If my consciousness is in my brain, then the skeleton is not inside me, I am inside the skeleton.

The first person to ever milk a cow must have been an animal abuser.

If I sleep in, I am lazy, but if I go to bed early, no one bats an eye.

Monday, 10 July 2017


Gayness was treated by psychiatrists in the 50s with shock therapy.
But it's now acceptable in so many countries of the world

Normal then is only a state of mind and what we feel inside
Do not listen to those that says "your ways ain't normal, they don't have your eyes or mind to see things the way you see them"



Never give up

1) Any good thing doesn't want to be done easily, you force it. don't give up yet

2) If you've tried hard the first half of the year, try harder this second half. things can only get better

3) Always be optimistic about your life and imagine, desire only good things. Remember you
attracts what you think

4) Let your motivation come from within and not from someone else.



  • Overweight P.E. teachers

  • Sacrificing your health to make money, then spending money to recover your health

  • Doctors and nurses who smoke

  • Life Insurance - Living your life poor to die rich

  • Needing work experience to get a job but need a job to get work experience

  • Eating more when you get stressed and getting stressed because you ate more

  • Warned never to talk to strangers, criticized for being an introvert

  • Tired of the same boring life, afraid to quit and take risks

  • Wanting to have a strong immune system but take medicine for the smallest discomforts

  • Wanting our children to be logical thinkers but push them to a routine education life

  • Drinking caffeinated drinks to keep you up and take medical drugs to fall asleep


The struggle is real! That we know
Men and women hustle hard! That we believe
There is crazy intimidation! Hell yeah
Someone will always be better than you, you'll always be better than someone! That you also know, irrespective of how much you try not to admit

NEVER think you're never going to make it.
We shall all get what we want in life
(Iyanu asele)



The Brazen Bull

God I hate this thing. It was an execution device used for criminals in ancient Greece, and it was brutal as all hell.

On the outside, it was a bronze statue of a bull with a door on one side. Inside, it was hollow. It worked like this-

The criminal would be thrown into the hollow statue either naked or with minimal clothing, and the door shut and locked on them. Then, they would light a fire underneath the statue, effectively cooking the victim alive. The victim’s screams would also go through a series of tubes that led to the nostrils of the bull, and the sound that came out would sound like a bull’s scream. Allegedly, the smoke produced from the nostrils were also somewhat laced with incense.

Its first victim is also somewhat interesting, as it’s actually the guy who created it. Basically, the guy who made it (Perillos) went to leader (Phalaris) and explained how the screaming conversion worked. Phalaris wanted him to demonstrate it, so once Perillos had climbed in, the door was shut and he was locked in. Then, Phalaris wanted to see it to its full effect, so he actually set a fire underneath it, and listened to the screams.

After a while, he ordered his men to pull Perillos out before he died, and they did. Phalaris actually took Perillos, now covered in burns, and threw him off a cliff. Then he proceeded to use the Bull for executions of all sorts, until he himself was executed inside of a Brazen Bull after he was overthrown.

These two deaths are both brutal, and ironic.

Saturday, 8 July 2017


I bet you've seen all sort and forms of motivation everyday
You see it on Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and even on Snapchat.
Well, that feels just right. But tell me how far did they go in your life?
(Don't answer just yet)

Let me tell you a big secret today and I hope you don't throw this away.  This is not some type of one way advice you hear from counsellors, motivational speakers or teachers;

Live it to the fullest and NEVER think anything is too big to achieve. You hear people say all sort of things like; be careful, take it slow, look careful before....blah blah blah

Saving up alone can't help you, (am a witness, ask someone close to you too). Learn or do something that will give you extra cash (i am a quantity surveyor, a makeup artist, an hair stylist, a writer, a speaker...yet I want more).
If you're a lady and you're tall and pretty, you can make at least 5k(in Nigeria currency though) every weekend as an ursher at events. all it is going to take is for you to make good enquiries from those doing it already
An average guy or lady can make some extra cash helping out with teaching, taking kids to school, parks, concerts and shows, just for a token(am sure some parents will buy the idea cos you'll relieve them the stress to take their kids to school, park, recreational gardens and parks during weekends and holidays)
Visit Pinterest for beautiful ideas
It is time to stop thinking outside the box, think like there is no box at all

There are plenty of jobs out there (Pls don't judge me yet and don't lose me pls, try to follow)
I'll give 3 pointers, start adding more
1. I used an herbal soap that cleared out my dark spots and knuckles in 30 days (didn't even STICK to the  morning and night routine). I went to this girlfriend of mine that usually complain about her face and sold the soap with an addition of 1k (sorry Vic, cos you'll realise the price is been raised by me, THAT'S BIZ MY DEAR) have sold more than 25 since early June and I don't even leave my house...
2. Cost of a normal drawing book is #50. Damn! Got mine for #5 back in the days. Now buy a park of A4 paper, get some fancy covers (Only cost #200 for 6 I guess), get water colour @ #500 if am correct. Get beautiful cover template from the internet and make just 3. Attach 1 cover to 20 sheets of A4 paper(make use of gum for cheap and easy hold). EVERYTHING USED IS UNDER 4k. Take it to any big primary school and tell them you'll like to see the headmaster or headmistress. (*Show your samples and tell them you'll supply the school at the rate of #500 (this price should be okay in Lagos and some parts in ibadan), let them know that you're giving the headmaster or headmistress #100 on each as your own way of giving back to the school. Go to 15 schools) Pls tell me my idea is lame... I'll be a realist on this one...
A pack of A4 paper has 500 sheets in it.
500/20= 25 drawing books. Let's assume that the number of children in each school (Don't judge me I called myself a realist in this situation)
25 drawing books * 500 = #12500
#100 * 25 for the heads = #2500

Let's say 5 school are crazy enough to buy your idea, that's #10000 * 5 schools = 50000

Let's imagine you're one lucky chap and all 15 schools bought your not so funny not so serious idea
10000 * 15 schools = #150000.

Your materials cost should be around #45000 - #50000.
Profit #100000.
Pls let me know if am day dreaming....this are ideas that has been tested and proven to work)
3. Come in here if you have so many female friends (every talent are great gifts if you know how to use them)
Let me show you or rather let me open your eyes to what you're not taking notes of; have you seen makeup on most of your friends? They are not so good, look at good makeup on Instagram and you'll realise your girls been drawing brackets on her face and not brows.
Why don't you take few weeks lesson in makeup artistry?
When you're good, start teaching your home girls how to do their makeup effortlessly at easy charges (let them know you're charging low cos they are friends), give it some time they will bring in more customers for you. And you don't have to own a shop to do this cos, there is option of running home service, freelancing etc.
Fine boy wake up.

...yeah, I did that